Highlights of 2016
Ahlan!. October: Open House at Trinity Center
Nur: One Breath, One Soul. April: Concert with Dalal Abu Amneh & Al-Bustan Takht
Musical Encounters. May-June in Philadelphia neighborhoods: Concert with Al-Bustan Takht & Prometheus Chamber Orchestra
Turath: Arab Classical & Folk Songs. November: Concert with Salma Habib & Al-Bustan Takht
Andalusia of Love. December: Concert with Marcel and Rami Khalife & Al-Bustan Takht
(DIS)PLACED. 2016-17 Project Exploring Expressions of Identity in Transition
#iSingArabic. Jan-April: Invitation to Submit Videos Singing Arabic
Hikayat Wa Fan. April: Storytelling & Art at Smith Memorial Playground
Arab Music Ensemble Class. Spring: Semester Highlights
Arab Music Ensemble Class. December: End-of-Semester Concert
Meet & Greet. November: Welcoming Syrian & Iraqi Refugees
Meet & Greet. December: Welcoming Syrian & Iraqi Refugees
Moffet School. June: Arts Celebration in the Garden
Moffet School. Spring: Art Tiles & Greeting Cards
Jefferson School. March: Arab Music Demonstration
Muslim Girls Culture Club. May: Exhibit at Northeast High School
Tabadul: Cross-Cultural Exchange through the Arts. 2016-17 Project at Northeast High and across Philadelphia
Tabadul: Cross-Cultural Exchange through the Arts. October: Photographer Wendy Ewald at Northeast High School
Tabadul: Cross-Cultural Exchange through the Arts. December: Neighborhood Forum at Palumbo High School
Al-Bustan Camp. June: One week at Cobbs Creek Center
Professional Development. July: Arab Arts & Culture Course for Educators
Digital Education. Fall: Song Tools for Educators
WHYY. April: Interview with Dalal Abu Amneh, Kinan Abou-afach & Hanna Khoury
G-Town Radio. May: Interview on Musical Encounters
Generocity. July: Interview with Executive Director
Center for Arab American Philanthropy. October: Interview with Executive Director