Al-Bustan Awarded Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art Grant
Al-Bustan is pleased to receive a grant from the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art’s Building Bridges Program in support of our 2014 Concert Series.The Board of Directors and staff at Al-Bustan are honored to be one of 8 organizations selected from 56 submissions from around the US. We are thrilled to continue our concert series featuring internationally renowned guest artists. The 2014 Spring-Fall season spans a geographic and cultural range with diverse musical styles and disciplines. Al-Bustan Takht Ensemble will collaborate with each guest artist for residency activities that will include a week of rehearsals, workshops, and demonstrations, culminating with a concert performance in Philadelphia.With the support of the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, Al-Bustan Music is pleased to present the following programs in 2014: [highlight]THE NARCYCIST – hip-hop/multimedia artistWe Are the MediumSunday March 2[/highlight] [highlight]FATHY SALAMA – composer/pianistSharkiat: Contemporary Arab MusicSunday April 27[/highlight] [highlight]ROLANDO MORALES-MATOS – percussionistRevisiting Hybridity: Latin and Arab RhythmsSaturday May 24[/highlight] [highlight]MOHSEN NAMJOO – singer/songwriter/setar masterClassical and Contemporary Persian MusicOctober 2014[/highlight] [highlight]MARCEL KHALIFE – composer/singer/oud masterPremiere of “Chants of the East”November 2014[/highlight] [highlight]NAOMI SHIHAB NYE – poetPoetry and MusicDecember 2014[/highlight] [activatebtn]Click here for details and ticketing information![/activatebtn]